PIRATE – Provide Instructions and Resources for Assessment and Training in Earthbuilding
Veľký európsky 3-ročný projekt pre Tvorbu inovácie – v projektovej schéme ďalšieho vzdelávania – Leonardo.
Prvý krát profesionáli zo stavebného sektoru a z odborných a vysokých škôl spolu zanalyzujú remeslá a biznis využívajúci hlinené techniky. Cieľom je vytvoriť učebné moduly – celky, s požadovanými učebnými výsledkymi a ECVET certifikáciou pre kvalifikačné úrovne 3-6. Tento proces vyústi v syntézu veľkej časti európskych stavebných kultúr, ktoré sú úzko späté s hlineným stavaním.
letáčik na stiahnutie tu: leaflet_pirate_2015_sk
Zhrnutie projektu v angličtine
For the first time, professionals of the construction sector and of VET and HE from 8 European countries analyse together the crafts and trades already or potentially using earth as a building material, with the aim to develop (1) units of learning outcomes and (2) ECVET certification procedures, for EQF levels 3 to 6. This process will result in a synthesis of a huge part of the European building cultures, which are closely related to earthen architecture. It will also lead to the compilation of recent innovations in the use of earth based building materials. Thus the PIRATE consortium addresses the European wide social demand for more environmentally friendly construction materials and techniques for new houses and for restoring and retro-fitting of existing. The focus will be the development of lifelong learning opportunities for sustainable building. Earth has a high potential for answering the challenges that the construction sector has to deal with (Directive 2010/31/EU of the European Parliament and Council on the energy performance of buildings). The consortium produces the following tools and resources: – a common-core syllabus for earthbuilding activities in traditional crafts and trades – a European-wide earth building matrix of ECVET units with assessment criteria, for EQF levels 3 to 6, and compatible with ECTS, both for earth bricks masonry and monolithic earth walls, available in 8 languages – guidelines for the process of certification in each participating country, and with qualification already launched in least in 3 countries (FR, DE, UK), with due respect to ECVET principles and quality standards. These results will – improve access to new skills for learners and offer them flexible learning pathways – increase competitiveness and creativity of SME’s and autonomy, self-fulfilment and employability of workers – lead to better understanding of ECVET within VET providers and key-actors – reinforce the co-operation between the actors involved.
France | CRAterre |
France | AE&CC |
France | AsTerre |
France | AFPA St Etienne-Roanne |
France | Compagnons-Colommiers |
France | LMDC |
United Kingdom | EBUK |
Deutschland | FAL |
Deutschland | DVL |
Deutschland | BSZ |
Deutschland | LehmBauWerk |
Deutschland | Fasba |
Deutschland | FachHochSchule-Lübeck |
Espana | ESTEPA |
Portugal | FCT/UNL |
Slovensko | ArTUR |
Cesko | SHS |
Dňa 6.11. ako súčasť semináru Nebúrať ale obnoviť, sa konalo národné stretnutie „hlinených stavbárov“. Cieľom stretnutia bolo, okrem informácií o obnove domov aj tvorba a popis tvoriacej sa novej profesie Zhotoviteľ hlinených konštrukcií ako súčasť európskeho projektu, kde sa vyvíja aj celá schéma kritérií učebných výsledkov pre zhotoviteľa murovaných, monolitických (nabíjaných) a omietkových konštrukcií.
Na stretnutí sa 15 hlinárov a diskutovali sme o tom, ako by sme mali zaradiť povolanie hlinár, resp. zhotoviteľ hlinených konštrukcií do zoznamu povolaní.
Výsledkom je, že by sme sa mali snažiť vsunúť aspekty týkajúce sa hlineného staviteľstva do jednotlivých existujúcich povolaní ako je murár, omietkár, betonár atď., súčasne sa snažiť o tvorbu špecializovanej profesie, zameranej len na hlinené konštrukcie a paralelne k tomu začať preberať od partnerov a z tvoriacej sa TNI materiál pre výučbu a implementovať to cca. do troch SOŠS. (pravdepodobne do škôl, spolupracujúcich s Ekofondom).
Zhotoviteľ hlinených konštrukcií vie namiešať hlinené zmesi pre rôzne použitie, vie vyrobiť hlinené tvárnice, vie zhotoviť murované, monolitické hlinené konštrukcie, obloženie z hlinených obkladacích prvkov a zrealizovať hlinené omietky.
Hlavné úlohy
Odborné vedomosti
Všeobecné spôsobilosti
Certifikáty a ďalšie písomné osvedčenia
Na výkon tohto zamestnania sa odporúča aspoň jedna varianta z nasledovných požiadavkov:
a) Stredné odborné vzdelanie s maturitou v oblasti pozemné stavby a aspoň 3 roky praxe v stavebníctve alebo vo funkcii učiteľa praktického vyučovania v oblasti vzdelávania murár z toho min. 1 rok za posledných 7 rokov.
b) Stredné vzdelanie s výučným listom a min. 5 rokov praxe v oblasti hlinených stavieb, z toho minimálne 1 rok za posledné 3 roky.
c) Vysokoškolské vzdelanie stavebného smeru alebo architektúry a min. 3 roky v oblasti hlinených stavieb, z toho minimálne 1 rok za posledné 3 roky.
d) Úplná kvalifikácia Zhotoviteľ hlinených stavieb a stredné vzdelanie s maturitou a prax min. 5 rokov v oblasti hlinených stavieb, z toho minimálne 1 rok za posledné 3 roky.
Zaujímavé linky
P16, Slovakia
Analysing the national situation in Slovakia,
Earth building awareness, education and legislation
Earth building in the half of Slovakia is traditional, however earth is considered as poor and not suitable building material, as there was almost no education and no information about earth building for several decades. The building regulations for earth building do not exist and old earthen houses are being massively destroyed.
There is no formal education about earth building, only very informal and not regular by two or three NGOs. However after contacting ŠIOV (štátny inštitút pre odbornú výučbu = state institute for vocational education) we have found out that few years back after press conference our NGO ArTUR held about Clay plaster teaching material – project HLINARCH, the Ministry of Education put some chapters about earth into the book for masons – for 3rd graders, only as informative, additional chapter.
National framework of professions
We have found out that three years ago was created new National framework of proffessions, but it is not totally finished. We have met the president of Union of building industry businessmen in Slovakia – Zväz stavebných podnikateľov Slovenska, which together with company TREXIMA created the framework. They are also partners of the BUSS project (Built up Skills Slovakia)
We contacted another partner involved in BUSS project – Ekofond and the result was, that they allowed us to contribute to their project (Renewable Energy for FUture Generations) with an input about new possible professions Earth builder and Straw bale builder.
We have found out that the levels of education seems to be different (stricter) from levels in the project PIRATE.
What do we want to achieve
Our aim is:
Actions taken in duration of the project:
– We found an online form for revision of division of professions where we sent a note to add earth builder: http://www.trexima.sk/new/skisco_revizie.php.
– With the help of the project we created matrix for topics, learning outcomes, levels and criteria and we translated it into Slovak Language.
– We contacted president of Slovak association of wood building as well as Manager of Foundation Ekofond, who are experienced in implementing new professions into VET schools. We agreed on future cooperation.
– During the project we contacted Vocational school in Banska Štiavnica and together with project partner SHS form Czech Rep. and Polish project partner of Leonardo project LearnWithClay II we submitted project Erazmus Plus with the aim to create supporting material: sessions, text sheets, info sheets for teaching earth building.
– During the project PIRATE we renovated old school and turned it into our educational center, training center and we opened it in February 2015 and started running ECVET courses for clay plastering in better conditions. To prepare for training in earth techniques we run two workshops and one pilot course for rammed earth technique.
– We invited our Czech partners to our national earth builders meeting to present about their several year effort to establish profession Earth builder.
– We created last draft of normative document for earth building techniques. We cooperated with our Czech partner SHS. The document TNI for earth building has been completed in the beginning of this year 2015 and submitted to the Slovak Standards Institute (SUTN).
Certification strategy
The work will have to be done on different levels, with different target groups, however
our aim stays to include earth building into several VET schools and create profession earth builder and create legal documentation – TNI (Technical normative information) pre norm for earth building.
To create legal documentation – TNI (Technical normative information)
Dissemination plan:
When TNI is accepted, we will write articles to specialized magazines and newspapers, e-magazines and newsletters, as well as platforms to inform architects, engineers and builders.
Presentations at the seminars, conferences and fairs connected to building and relevant Universities and VET schools.
We will inform participants of our courses.
We will also inform through our web page and FB public and potential home owners and builders.
To include earth building into several VET schools
Dissemination plan:
We will inform those who teach and assess: Trainers/teaching staff and Training program managers of Vocational schools, Associations, Universities, Craftspeople acting as trainers, Craftspeople acting as assessors.
We will inform them directly by mail:
about Earth construction and architecture, and about the project and its results. Those who answer, they will be sent link to e-version of the booklet and some will be sent hard copy of booklet. Through booklet they will be informed about project results (matrix, content of units, levels), and Info about MoU, certificates, assessment, mobility
We will inform regional or national networks of the training sector, the construction sector, the green building sector, our partner organization Green building council first by mail and then by meetings. We will ask relevant educational partners to pass the information as well as Union of building industry businessmen in Slovakia – Zväz stavebných podnikateľov Slovenska to put it on their web site for companies who will need workers and their staff with new skills suitable for sustainable building, and who ask for recognition of their competence.
On FB we will promote new ECVET Earth building for learners (Trainees/apprentices/students of Vocational schools, Associations, Universities, Craftspeople upgrading their skills, Adult learners, Earth builders) looking for recognition of their competence obtained in informal and non formal learning who will ask for training and assessment with certificates, will ask for mobility with certificates. We will inform them about possibilities, Info about project partners’ training and assessment offer, Project results (list and content of units, levels), Info about certificates, assessment, mobility and last but not least Earth construction and architecture.
We will have to send information to rely bodies for trainers and learners, who inform about: green skills, about qualifications and about mobility.
The mail will be sent to office for vocational guidance, employment office, national and regional resource centres about teaching, national and regional resource centres about green building, national earth builders associations, national federations of the construction sector
To create profession earth builder:
We will ask training funds and policy makers: Ekofond or other foundation if they want to make a project with us and help to fund it.
We will have to talk to: National certification agency, Chambers of crafts, training fund managers, governments, Employment offices. We will meet them and will tell them about the project (aims, state of progress, work groups, partners, national certification committees, target groups), We will give them booklet and show handbook and thus introduce project results (matrix, content of units, levels), Earth construction and architecture (market, training offer), Info about MoU, certificates, assessment, mobility.
20th June 2015
by Zuzana Kierulfová